Arm/Disarm Output Relay, Terminals 13-15 (TB5)
The arm/disarm output relay follows the operation of the front panel-mounted ARMED
indicator. The relay de-energizes when the control panel is disarmed. With the control
panel in normal operation, terminals 13 and 14 are open and terminals 14 and 15 are
closed. Contact rating: 1A @ 30 Vdc, 0.3A @ 125 Vac, resistive loads only.
Detector Circuit 1 (DET1) Connections, Terminals 16-19 (TB6 & TB7)
One or more detectors are wired to these terminals. Refer to the specific system
drawings for wiring of this circuit.
Detector Circuit 2 (DET2) Connections, Terminals 20-23 (TB8 & TB9)
One or more detectors are wired to these terminals. Refer to the specific system
drawings for wiring of this circuit.
Detector Circuit 3 (DET3) Connections, Terminals 24-27 (TB10 & TB11)
DET3 is used to monitor the status of an explosion vent and/or extinguisher low pressure
switches. Refer to specific system drawings for wiring of this circuit.
IR/UV Power Connections, Terminals 28-29 (TB13)
Terminals 28 and 29 provide power to ultraviolet and infrared detectors used on the
explosion protection system. Power is provided to the detectors connected to these
terminals at all times except when the reset button is pressed. The reset button
removes power from the detectors for approximately ½ second. The power interruption
is used to reset the detectors.
FAB3 Connections, Terminals 30-32 (TB14)
Terminals 30 and 31 provide continuous power to FAB3 field connection boxes used in
conjunction with FENWAL’s MEX3 dynamic pressure detector. Power is not interrupted
to FAB3 field connection boxes when the reset button is pressed, as power interruption
would erase the history buffer contained in the FAB3. The use of terminal 32 may be
necessary to arm/disarm (reset) the FAB3 field connection boxes. The need for wiring to
terminal 32 depends on the programming of the FAB3. Refer to specific system
drawings for wiring of this circuit.
FAB13 Connections, Terminals 33-37 (TB15 & TB16)
The FAB13 interface module is used in conjunction with Firewolf™ electro-mechanically
operated high rate discharge extinguishers. The FAB13 can actuate up to ten (10)
Firewolf™ extinguishers. During an alarm, the control panel a24 VDC to the
FAB13 through terminal 33. Terminal 35 provides 24V to arm/disarm the FAB13. The
power return for the FAB13 alarm circuit and the FAB13 arm/disarm circuit is connected
to terminal 34. The line signal is connected to terminals 36 (+) and 37 (-). If the system
does not use Firewolf™ extinguishers, a 1.2 k
resistor included in the control panel
accessory kit needs to be installed across terminals 36 and 37 to satisfy the FAB13 line
supervision circuit (500
< R < 2,400
). Refer to specific system drawings for wiring
of this circuit.
Page 14
FSS/MC-519 Rev BC
Protection Systems