All rights reserved by FEIN, especially in case of industrial rights registration.
Any power of disposition such as copying and right of transfer is situated with FEIN.
Sahre / MVK 05 / 2011
1. Technical data
2. Maintenance
3. General checks
4. Disassembly
4.1. Disassembly - Tank /
4.2. Disassembly - Feed unit
4.3. Disassembly - Drill motor
4.4. Disassembly - Gearbox
4.5 Disassembly - Drill jig
5. Assembly
5.1. Assembly - Drill jig
5.2. Assembly - Drill motor
5.3. Assembly - Gearbox
5.4. Assembly - Feed unit
5.5. Assembly -Electronics / Tank
6. Tools
You will find a drawing and list of spare parts online
www.fein.de / FEIN Service / Start ETK