Assembly instructions
FUF2 / FU3F-A/-C/-F
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Control inputs “Digital” IN 1
... 7 (Kl. 52, 53, 54, 72, 75,
82 , 85):
24 VDC / typ.15 mA, max 26 VDC / 20 mA.
all inputs are potential free to join or:
< 5 V: inactive
logical 0
>7 V: active
logical 1
min. Duration of input control commands: > 100 ms
Control inputs "Digital High-
Speed” IN 8, 9, 11, 12
( 61, 64, 92, 93)
24 VDC / typ.15 mA, max 26 VDC / 20 mA.
all inputs are potential free to join or:
< 5 V: inactive
logical 0
>16 V: active
logical 1
min. Duration of input control commands: > 10 ms
Used for
2-channel incremental position encoder
• Max 1 kHz symmetric square (50% duty cycle)
• 90 ° offset between input signals
Communication interfaces
Serial Port 1
RS485 A and B
(X20 / 20a
/ M1a / M1b)
for electronic limit switch TST PD / PE or DES, light curtain TST
LGB or other communication partner devices approved by FEIG
RS485 level (A, B), terminated in 120 Ω
Max. Cable length: 30 m
Recommended cable: shielded "twisted pair" cable in noisy
environments, "twisted-
pair" in "normal” environments
Using FEIG limit switches TST PD / PE parallel and e.g. for future
I / O expansions
Serial port 2 "Adv
DoorCom" CAN 2 (X200):
external operation of the extension board TST RFUxK or other
communication partner approved by FEIG
CAN level (CH, CL), terminated in 120 Ω
Max. Cable length: 30 m
Recommended cable: shielded "twisted pair" cable in noisy
environments, "twisted-
pair" in "normal” environments
Serial interface 3
CAN 1 communications
for TST RUFCom or other communication partner approved by
TTL level (Tx, Rx)
Max. Cable length: 10 cm for internal wiring to the module
Serial interface 4
RS485-1 for
communication module:
for TST RUFCom or other communication partner approved by
Typical for communications between two gates (airlock / locking)
TTL level (Tx, Rx, DDR)
Max. Cable length: 10 cm for internal wiring to the module
Serial interface 5
CAN 0 for expansion
approved for housing internal operation of the TST RFUxK or
other communication partner that is suitable! For FEIG
TTL level (Cx, Rx)
Max. Cable length: 10 cm for internal wiring to the module