5.7 Cleaning procedures for nozzle clogging
1) Disconnect the tube connector for the tube from the Subtank to the
printhead. Wait until the ink finishes dropping almost, and then,
connect the tube to the solvent tube. Press both of the flush
buttons to clean the printhead with solvent. Stop when the solvent
becomes clear.
2) Use tube cover to seal the ink incoming tube for the printhead. Use
fresh wrap to cover the nozzle surface. Leave it for 12 hours.
3) Take the fresh wrap off. Disconnect the tube cover and wait until
the solvent is removed almost. Connect the tube to the subtank,
and fill the printhead with ink.
When printhead needed to be taken out for maintenance, there are
long-term and short-term maintenance. Short-term is within one month,
and long term is within two months. After two months, printhead need to
be installed to the printer and check the nozzle firing again. Maintain the
printhead again after checking. Please refer to the following procedure
used printhead short term and long term storage maintenance
The storage condition is shown in the following:
a) Room temp: 5 - 40
b) Humidity: 10- 85%
c) Prevent direct sunlight
5.8 Used printhead short term storage maintenance
Clean the printhead with solvent, and leave some solvent in the
printhead. Remove the printhead together with the tube. Place the
non-woven fabric, which is already submerged into solvent, onto the
nozzle plate. Wrap the printhead by cling film. Install the printhead onto
the original base.
5.9 Used printhead long term storage maintenance
1 ) P r i nt a n oz z l e c h ec k f o r r ef e r e nc e
2 ) Clean the printhead by solvent.
3) Empty the solvent in the printhead.
4) Wipe the solvent surrounding the printhead by non-woven fabric. Do
not scratch the nozzle plate.