Catch running out oil, do not let it seep into the
ground and dispose off environmentally.
Clean the area around breather and drain plug.
Fig. 63 and level inspection plugs
Drain the oil through the inspection plug bore. For this pur-
pose tilt the machine to the side with the oil drain opening
and support it safely.
Tilt the machine to the opposite side and secure it properly.
Fill in fresh oil through the level inspection opening
Stand the machine on level ground and check the oil level
The oil level must reach the bottom edge of the oil level inspection
Clean level plug (2) and screw in with sealing agent (e.g.
BOMAG 009 700 16).
Screw vent plug (1) tightly back in.
Fig. 63
Fig. 64
Fig. 65
Maintenance – Annual maintenance
BPR 70/70 D
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