5.7 Operation of Economizer
Meaning of display LEDs/self test
The display LEDs signalize the measuring value of the system.
After the corresponding processing by the evaluation module, the
display shows a measurement for the compaction of the soil. The
number of lighting LEDs symbolizes the increasing compaction of
the soil.
The measuring system is automatically started when switching on
the machine. The system first of all runs a self test of the LED dis-
Self-test: the LEDs come on in individual steps from one to ten.
Once all LEDs are on, the display goes out again in single steps.
After the self-test the system will change to measuring mode. The
Fig. 27 initially lights all the time. This ena-
bles the detection of possible system faults.
The display value is higher during the first pass than during the
second pass: Due to the front rounded shape the contact area
increases on loose material, a slightly higher measuring value
may be displayed.
The Economizer does not reach the maximum display value,
even after many passes: Due to different soil stiffness values
the maximum value cannot be reached in each case.
The display varies during a pass by one LED up/down: Caused
by deviations in material composition and mat height. The
average of the display reading during the last pass is decisive.
The displayed value rises when changing the travel direction:
The effective force applied to the soil by the vibratory plate
rises when reversing the travel direction. Correct measuring
values can only be achieved in forward and reverse travel with
maximum speed.
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
Notes on operation
Operation – Operation of Economizer
BPR 70/70 D
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