W611W User Manual
108 / 141
Anonymous Call
Disable Blocking
Anonymous Call
Set the feature code to dial to the server
Call Waiting On Code
Set the feature code to dial to the server
Call Waiting Off Code
Set the feature code to dial to the server
Send Anonymous On
Set the feature code to dial to the server
Send Anonymous Off
Set the feature code to dial to the server
SIP Encryption
Enable SIP encryption such that SIP transmission will be encrypted
RTP Encryption
Enable RTP encryption such that RTP transmission will be encrypted
Enable Session Timer
Set the line to enable call ending by session timer refreshment. The call
session will be ended if there is not new session timer event update
received after the timeout period
Session Timeout
Set the session timer timeout period
Response Single Codec
If setting enabled, the device will use single codec in response to an
incoming call request
Keep Alive Type
Set the line to use dummy UDP or SIP OPTION packet to keep NAT
pinhole opened
Keep Alive Interval
Set the keep alive packet transmitting interval
Keep Authentication
Keep the authentication parameters from previous authentication
Blocking Anonymous Call
Reject any incoming call without presenting caller ID
User Agent
Set the user agent, the default is Model with Software Version.
Specific Server Type
Set the line to collaborate with specific server type
SIP Version
Set the SIP version
Anonymous Call Standard Set the standard to be used for anonymous
Local Port
Set the local port
Ring Type
Set the ring tone type for the line
Enable user=phone
Sets user=phone in SIP messages.
Use Tel Call
Set use tel call
Auto TCP
Using TCP protocol to guarantee usability of transport for SIP messages
above 1500 bytes
Enable Rport
Set the line to add rport in SIP headers
Enable PRACK
Set the line to support PRACK SIP message
DNS Mode
Select DNS mode, A, SRV, NAPTR
Enable Long Contact
Allow more parameters in contact field per RFC 3840