To change the temperature levels, see the description of operation in automatic mode.
When the preset programmes are used (see «Preset programmes »), Holiday follows the
pattern provided for Saturday and Sunday. To create a personalised Holiday programme,
see «Programming the chronothermostat».
Jolly Mode of Operation
In the Jolly mode of operation, the chronothermostat CH150 interrupts its current mode
and regulates operation of the heating or cooling system to maintain the “Jolly”
temperature during the whole time entered (from 1 hour to 99 days and 23 hours, in one
hour steps). At the end of that time — which is displayed as a countdown — the
chronothermostat returns to its previous mode of operation. To select Jolly, press the
JOLLY key.
The Jolly temperature and the duration of Jolly operation can be set using the rotary
selector switches on the right of the chronothermostat.
To change the
temperature, use the
bottom rotary selector
The temperature can be
set within the range from
2 °C to 40 °C, in 0.1 °C