Series Soft Start User Manual
MAN-AGY-001. Version 04. 21/09/2018
CT Fault
Detects if the internal current sensors have failed or reading a
very low level.
Trip On: The unit will trip if the internal current sensors fail or
the current measured falls to a very low level
Trip Off: Will continue to operate even if the sensor has failed.
Measurements and overload protection may be effected
Enter current date
Date format can be set to either dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy. Refer to
"Date format" parameter.
Allows the date format to be changed
dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd
Delay Angle
Internal firing delay angle in Degrees
Displayed for diagnostic purposes
Disp Time
Time for backlight on display
After the period set the back light on the screen will turn off
To reactivate touch screen anywhere. To disable set to 0
Factory Rst
Restores the unit to the factory defaults
Fan Fault
Detects if the cooling fans have failed.
Trip On: The unit trips if the cooling fans fitted to the unit fail.
Trip Off: Will continue to operate and is likely to trip on a thermal trip as
the heatsink will not be sufficiently cooled
Fire Mode
A special feature that allows the unit to operate with ALL of the trips OFF.
Set " Cntrl Funct" to "D2 FireMode" , Enabled when D2 is high
Although the unit will keep running in this mode it may become damaged.
In some instances, the damage may inhibit a subsequent starts
This is only to be used in an emergency
The frequency of the 3-phase supply
From USB
Allows the user to load parameters stored on a USB flash drive
Uploads the parameters from the USB drive to the unit
Data is stored in CSV format.
HS Temp C
The temperature of the internal unit heatsink.
The unit will trip when the heatsink temperature exceeds 80°C.
HS Temp F
The temperature of the internal unit heatsink.
The unit will trip when the heatsink temperature exceeds 176°F
The optional cooling fans will turn on if this temperature exceeds 104°F
I Limit
Selects trip or continue if the current limit has been active for too long
Trip On: The unit will trip
Trip Off: The start will continue regardless of the motor current level
I Low
This can be used to detect if the motor is running lightly loaded.
Trip On: The unit will trip. This feature is not active during soft start and
soft stop.
Trip Off: The unit will continue to operate regardless of motor current
Function Descriptions (continued)