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- This appliance’s packaging material is recyclable. Help recycle it and protect the environment by dropping it off in
the municipal receptacles provided for this purpose.
- Your appliance also contains a great amount of recyclable material. It is marked with this label to indicate the used

appliances that should not be mixed with other waste. This way, the appliance recycling organised by your
manufacturer will be done under the best possible conditions, in compliance with European Directive 2002/
96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Contact your town hall or your retailer for the used
appliance collection points closest to your home.

- We thank you doing your part to protect the environment.

Keep these instructions for use with the appliance. If you need to sell the appliance, or give it to another
person, make sure that these instructions for use go with it. Thank you for reading these notes before
installing and using your appliance. They have been drafted for your safety and that of others.


 The distance between the supporting surface for the cooking vessels on the hob and the lower part of the hood must

be at least 65 cm. If the instructions for installation for the hob specify a greater distance, this has to be taken into account.

 The air collected must not be conveyed into a duct used to blow off smokes from appliances fed with an energy other

than electricity (central heating systems, thermosiphons, water-heaters, etc.).

 Comply with the official instructions provided by the competent authorities in merit when installing the disposal duct.

In addition, exhaust air should not be discharged into a wall cavity, unless the cavity is designed for that purpose.

 The room must be well aerated in case a hood and some other heat equipment fed with an energy other than electricity

(gas, oil, coal heaters, etc) operate at the same time.
In fact the intake hood, disposing of air, could create a vacuum in the room. The vacuum should not exceed 0,04mbar.
This prevents the gas exhausted by the heat source from being intaken again. It is therefore advisable to ensure the room
contains air taps able to ensure a steady flow of fresh air.

 Check the data label inside the appliance; if the symbol (   ) is printed, read the following: this appliance has such

technical particulars that it belongs to class II insulation, therefore it must not be earthed.
The following warning is valid in the United Kingdom only: in case your cable is not furnished with a plug, read the following
instructions; as the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: – the wire which is coloured blue must be connected to the terminal
which is marked with the letter N or coloured black; – the wire which is coloured brown must be connected to the terminal
which is marked with the letter L or coloured red. – terminal of a three-pin plug.

 Check the data label inside the appliance; if the symbol (   ) is NOT printed, read the following: ATTENTION: This

appliance must be earthed. When making the electrical connections, check that the current socket has a ground
The following warning is valid in the United Kingdom only: in case your cable is not furnished with a plug, read the following
instructions; as the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings
identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
– the wire which is coloured green and yellow must be connected to the terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter
E or by the earth symbol [ 

 ], or coloured green or green and yellow; – the wire which is coloured blue must be connected

to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black; – the wire which is coloured brown must be connected
to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured red.

 When making the electrical connections, check that the voltage values correspond to those indicated on the data plate

inside the appliance itself. In case your appliance is not furnished with a non separating flexible cable and has no plug,
or has not got any other device ensuring omnipolar disconnection from the electricity main, with a contact opening distance
of at least 3 mm, such separating device ensuring disconnection from the main must be included in the fixed installation.
If your unit features a power lead and plug, position this so the plug is accessible.

 Always switch off the electricity supply before carrying out any cleaning or servicing operations on the appliance.


This appliance has been designed for use in private households.


Food should not be flame-cooked or the gas rings used without cooking vessels under the hood (any flames

sucked upwards may damage the appliance).


N.B.: In kitchens heated with a device connected to a chimney (e.g. a stove), the recyclable version

of the hood should be installed. Do not use the hob without the cassette filters. Any room where a cooker
hood is used at the same time as appliances using gas or any other fuel must be properly ventilated.

Summary of Contents for SHC690XF11

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ...c nécessaire d équiper la pièce de prises d air alimentant un flux d air frais constant Contrôlerlaplaquedescaractéristiquestechniquessetrouvantàl intérieurdel appareil silesymbole figure surlaplaquesuivrelesinstructionssuivantes cetappareilestconstruitpourapparteniràlaclassed isolationII il ne doit donc pas être relié à la terre Contrôler la plaque des caractéristiques techniques se trouvant à l ...

Page 3: fixez le support en utilisant les 2 vis fournies Version évacuation raccordez le conduit pour l évacuation de l air à la bouche de sortie de l air de la hotte utilisez un tuyau souple et bloquez le sur la bouche de sortie de l air de la hotte à l aide d un collier métallique le tuyau et le collier ne sont pas fournis Effectuez le branchement électrique de la hotte à l aide du câble d alimentati...

Page 4: ...tres à charbon procédez comme suit enlevez le filtre à charbon avec un mouvement rotatoire dans le sens des aiguilles d une montre Fig 12 Remplacer les filtres à charbon en fonction de l utilisation en moyenne tous les 6 mois Eclairage Pour remplacer les lampes à incandescence enlever les filtres à graisse comme cela est indiqué cì dessus et enlever la lampe s Remplacer par des lampes du même type...

Page 5: ... savoir plus sur tous les produits de la marque informations conseils les points d evente les spécialistes après vente Pour communiquer nous sommes à l écoute de toutes vos remarques suggestions propositions aux quelles nous vous répondrons personnellement Vous pouvez nous écrire Service Consommateurs FAGOR BP 9526 95069 CERGY PONTOISE CEDEX ou nous téléphoner au Tarif en vigueur à la date d impre...

Page 6: ... the United Kingdom only in case your cable is not furnished with a plug read the following instructions as the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifyingtheterminalsinyourplug proceedasfollows thewirewhichiscolouredbluemustbeconnectedtotheterminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured black the wire which is coloured ...

Page 7: ...led in an Exhaust hood prepare the air exhaust hole Place bracket W 50 mm from the ceiling and position this on the vertical of your hood with the aid of the notches on the centre of the bracket Fig 7 using a pen mark the 2 holes on the wall and then make the holes and fit the screw anchors provided and proceed to secure the bracket using the 2 screws provided Exhaust hoods connect the disposal du...

Page 8: ...erage once every 6 months To remove the charcoal filters proceed as follows remove the charcoal filter by turning clockwise Fig 12 The charcoal filters must be replaced according to use on the average once every 6 months Lighting To gain access to the incandescence bulbs remove the grease filters as described above and remove the bulbs Replace with lamps of the same type TROUBLESHOOTING SYMPTOMS S...

Page 9: ...n de los gases de la fuente de calor Por lo tanto es necesario proveer el local de tomas de aire que aseguren un flujo constante de aire puro Controlarlaplacadecaracterísticastécnicassituadadentrodelaparato sienlamismaseencuentraelsímbolo procederdelasiguientemanera Esteaparatopresentacaracterísticasdeconstruccióntalesqueloincluyen en la classe de aislamiento II y por lo tanto no debe tener la des...

Page 10: ...Requisitos esenciales para el montaje Predisponer la alimentación eléctrica dentro del espacio que ocupa el tubo decorativo Si su aparato debe ser instalado en versión Aspirante hay que preparar el orificio de evacuación del aire Colocar el soporte W a 50 mm del techo y posicionarlo en la vertical de la campana ayudándose con las hendiduras presentes en el centro del soporte Fig 7 con un rotulador...

Page 11: menos cada 2 meses Lavar los filtros con detergente neutro Para quitar los filtros Fig 3 o 4 servirse del retén correspondiente empujándolos hacia la parte trasera del aparato y girándolos hacia abajo hasta lograr sacarlos de sus soportes Filtros de carbón Si se utiliza el aparato en versión filtrante será necesario sustituir los filtros de carbón más o menos cada 6 meses Para remover los filtr...

Page 12: ...lítandó gázai visszaszívásra kerüljenek Ezért a helyiséget fel kell szerelni levegõbevezetõ nyílásokkal melyek biztosítják a friss levegõ folyamatos beáramlását Ellenõrizze a mûszaki jellemzõk címkét mely a berendezés belsejében került elhelyezésre ha a címkén a jel látható a következõ utasításokat kell követnie ez a berendezés olyan technikai felépítési megoldásokat alkalmaz melyeket a II szigete...

Page 13: ...a berendezéssel együtt szállított csavarral rögzítse az elem peremét Elszívó változat Kösse össze a kürto légelvezeto nyílását a légelvezeto csatornával Ehhez használjon rugalmas csövet amit a kürto légelvezeto nyílásához fémtömlovel kell rögzíteni A cso és a tömlo nem képezik a termékhez járó tartozékok részét A tápkábel segítségével végezze el a kürto elektromos bekötését Helyezze a 2 egymásba i...

Page 14: ...tók el 12 A szénszûrot a használat gyakoriságától függoen átlagosan félévente cserélje ki Világítás Az izzók cseréjéhez elõbb vegye ki a zsírszûrõket a korábbiakban leírtak szerint majd távolítsa el az izzót izzókat Az izzókat mindig azonos típusúakra cserélje ki HIBA MEGOLDÁSOK Az elszívó nem mûködik Bizonyosodjon meg arról hogy a készülék megfelelõ áramellátásban részesül valóban kiválasztott eg...

Page 15: to ponownemuzassaniudownÍtrzaspalinwydalanychprzezürÛd ociep a ZalecasiÍ zatemwyposaøeniepomieszczeniaw wywietrznikizapewniajπcesta ydostÍpúwieøegopowietrza NaleøysprawdziÊetykietkÍinformacyjnπnaklejonπwewnπtrzurzπdzenia Jeúliwydrukowanyjestnaniejsymbol to oznacza dane urzπdzenie charakteryzuje siÍ takimi parametrami technicznymi ktÛre zaliczajπ je do II klasy izolacji dlategoniewolnogouziemiaÊ...

Page 16: ...z wykorzystaniem dwÛch pozosta ych úrub i specjalnych otworÛw w cokole B Aby zapobiec uszkodzeniu urzπdzenia naleøy uøywaÊ wy πcznie otworÛw przygotowanych przez producenta Przymocowanierurteleskopowych Podstawowewymaganiadomontaøu ñ PrzygotowaÊ kabel zasilajπcy w obrÍbie rury teleskopowej ñ Jeúli urzπdzenie ma byÊ zainstalowane w wersji Zasysajπcej naleøy przygotowaÊ otwÛr odprowadzajπcy powietrz...

Page 17: ...iany filtrÛw jest uzaleøniona od stopnia ich zuøycia úrednio raz na 6 miesiÍcy Oúwietlenie Wceluwymianylamp jarzeniowych naleøywyjπÊfiltryprzeciwt uszczowewopisanywczeúniejsposÛbizdemontowaÊ lampÍ y WymieniÊ je na lampy tego samego typu ANOMALIE FUNKCJONOWANIA USTERKA SPOSOBY USUWANIA Okap nie funkcjonuje SprawdziÊ czy nie ma przerwy prπdu zosta a wybrana prÍdkoúÊ Okap ma s abπ sprawnoúÊÖ Sprawdzi...

Page 18: ...m o redemoinho dos gases de descarga da fonte de calor É necessário portanto equipar o local com presas de ar que alimentem um fluxo constante de ar fresco Controlar a chapa das características técnicas no interior do aparelho se o símbolo estiver impresso na chapa seguirasinstruçõesseguintes Attenção esteaparelhoapresentacaracterísticastécnicasconstrutivasque o inclui na classe de isolamento II e...

Page 19: ... do seu exaustor servindo se da ajuda das marcas reentrantes existentes no centro do suporte Fig 7 com uma caneta marcar na parede a posição dos 2 furos e seguidamente fazer os furos e introduzir as buchas fornecidas Fixar o suporte com os 2 parafusos que acompanham o aparelho Versão aspirante ligar a conduta de descarga de ar à boca de saída de ar do exaustor Para isso utilizar um tubo flexível e...

Page 20: ...arvão procederdomodoseguinte Agarrarnofiltroefazerummovimento giratório no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio Fig 12 E necessário substituir o s filtro s de carvão em função da respectiva utilização ou seja em média de 6 em 6 meses Iluminação Para substituir as lâmpadas incandescentes desmontar os filtros anti gordura como descrito anteriormente e remover a s lâmpada s Substituir por lâmpadas do mes...

Page 21: ...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

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