Chapter 3 - page 5
MCO-TCO work mode
The configuration file is a CNC program written in high-level language (configuration language) that
describes the operating characteristics of the various screen elements.
There is a configuration file for each cycle. P999001 for cycle 001, P999002 for cycle 002 and so
on up to P999200 which is for cycle 200.
The general characteristics of the configuration language are:
All the instructions go between parenthesis and preceded by a semicolon ";"
The comments must be alone on the line and preceded by 2 semicolons ";;"
The first line of the configuration file must be ;(PRGSCRIPT 1)
It indicates that it is a configuration file corresponding to the version being used (in this case
version 1).
The last line of the configuration file must be ;(END)
It is recommended to use the ;(DEBUG) instruction in order for the CNC to run a test of the
configuration file. Program 999500 will keep a log of any errors that come up in this test.
The configuration file has the following key words:
Header of the configuration file and version it was edited with (in this case: 1). It must ALWAYS
be defined.
It is optional. It indicates the first line from which program 999500 logs the errors occurred when
debugging the configuration file.
The debugging of the configuration file starts on the first line ;(PRGSCRIPT 1) and ends on the
line ;(END)
It indicates that the blue box is not to be displayed at the top right-hand corner indicating the
current machine status (position and machining conditions).
;(HOTKEY W4,88)
To associate a key to the (W) data.
In this case, when pressing the X key (ASCII 88), the W4 data is selected.
To assign the value of a CNC variable to the (W) data.
In this case, being the W5 data selected, when pressing the [RECALL] key, the W5 data will show
the value of the POSX variable (X axis position). If [ENTER] is pressed next, the cycle assumes
that value.
The value will be displayed in the work units (mm / inches) set by machine parameter.
To associate a profile to the (W) field. The field must be a three-digit unsigned integer.
Select the (W) field, enter the number of the profile to be edited and press [RECALL] to access
the profile editor.
The edited profile is stored as program P994xxx.
P994001 is for profile 001, P994002 is for profile 002 and so on up to P994999 which is for
profile 999.