Chapter 3 - page 10
MCO-TCO work mode
Routine (9001) associated with cycle 001
(SUB 9001)
Subroutine definition
Check machining conditions
(IF P4 EQ 0 P100=97 ELSE P100=96)
Checks RPM/CSS and prepares in P100 G97/G96 respectively
(IF P5 LT P6 P101=P5 ELSE P101=P6)
If S>Smax, assumes Smax. Leaves value in P101
Prepares gear (M41..M44), leaves value in P102
(IF P8 EQ 0 P103=5 ELSE P103=2+P8)
Prepares spindle rotation in P103 (M3, M4, M5)
(IF P11 LT 4 P104=8 ELSE P104=9)
Coolant depending on type of material. Coolant ON (M8) and coolant OFF (M9).
If steel, aluminum, brass or iron, coolant ON and if plastic or wood, coolant OFF.
(P105=POSX, P106=POSZ)
Takes the coordinates of the cycle calling point
Machining of the cycle
G90 GP100 FP9 SP101 TP10 MP102 MP103 MP104
Sets the machining conditions
G92 SP6
Limits the spindle speed to the maximum indicated
G0 XP0 ZP1
Rapid traverse to point Xi Zi
G1 XP2
Movement at work feedrate. First to Zf coordinate and then to Xf
G0 XP105 ZP106
Withdrawal in rapid to the cycle calling point.
(RET )
End of subroutine