Chapter 2 - page 14
MCO-TCO work mode
The standard screen for CO operating mode displays the following information about the tool.
This window may be customized entirely (see "Screen customizing" in the installation manual).
The one supplied by Fagor can display the following information depending on the model:
> In large characters, the number "T" of the selected tool and a graphic representation of its tip.
> The offset number «D» associated with the tool.
> The selected rpm "S" for the live tool .
This value is only displayed when a live tool is selected.
> The coordinates for the tool change point.
The CNC does not display this window when text 47 of program 999997 is not defined.
To select another tool, press:
tool number
The CNC will manage the tool change and will update the graphics.
to cancel the selection.
It is possible to temporarily assign another offset to the tool without modifying the one it has
To access the "D" filed, press
Key in the desired tool offset number and press
The CNC temporarily assumes the new offset of the current tool. The internal table is not
modified, the tool keeps having the same tool offset associated with it when it was calibrated.
When the tool is always changed at the same point, proceed as follows:
Write the text 47 of program 999997 as a comment so the CNC does not show the window for
the tool change point.
In other words: