Test that the thermal system will hold under normal oper-
ating pressure without leaking (no greater than 30 psi
with the system below 100
CAUTION: Over-pressurizing SunSaver
collectors will
void the warranty.
1. Open the isolation valve and direct the diverter
valve to allow flow into the thermal loop.
2. Turn on pool pump.
3. Allow the system to run, checking all pipes, con-
nections, and collectors for signs of leaking.
4. If no leaks appear then the system is ready for op-
eration. If leaks do occur, address the issue and
repeat the test procedure.
Pressure & Leak Check
When automating a system it is critical that tempera-
ture sensors be placed in appropriate positions. Please
refer to the manufacturer’s installation manual of your
chosen controller.
Pool Temperature Sensor
A sensor is used to ensure that the controller is alerted
when the pool temperature is too low.
Solar Temperature Sensor
By taking measurements of the roof, or of conditions
similar to it, the controller can compare the solar tem-
perature to the current pool temperature. This infor-
mation allows the system to achieve the desired, final
pool temperature.
Placement of Sensors
The diverter valve is critical to the function of the ther-
mal system. Ensure it functions properly.
1. Check that the actuator repositions the valve when
2. Check that the set positions direct flow as ex-
Diverter Valve
To ensure optimum performance, it is highly recom-
mended to automate all solar thermal systems with an
automation package of choice. There are many auto-
mation packages which are available from pool suppli-
ers such as Pentair, Jandy, and Hayward. It is recom-
mended by FAFCO
to source from a supplier of your
A Solar Pool Automation Kit should include a mini-
mum of the following:
1. A Diverter Valve Actuator (180° or 90°)
2. An in-plumbing Pool Temperature Sensor
3. An ambient Solar Temperature Sensor
4. A Programmable Automation Controller
It is common to program the controller so that the so-
lar system will run if roof temperatures are 10°F or
greater above the pool temperature and to bypass the
solar if the roof is 4°F or less above pool temperature.
For further system automation, see instructions from
the Manufacturer of the equipment being used.
System Automation
Ensure the full solar pool system is operational. Refer
to the associated installation manuals as necessary.
Once everything is functioning as intended for normal
operation, fill out the
Commissioning & Warranty Regis-
documents located in
Appendix B
Once the documents are complete, use FAFCO
online portal to obtain a system warranty registration
number. Provide the homeowner a copy of the Com-
missioning Documents and a FAFCO
Owner’s Manual
for their records.
Commissioning Documents