Crossover™ Manual V1/62920016 ©Fabtech Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Extensible Knee
“Infinite Possibilities”
Congratulations on your decision to purchase a Crossover™ Extensible Knee! We have taken our original
Bartlett Tendon Knee (BTK) design and made it even better! The new Crossover™ is an ambulatory Extensi-
ble knee that transforms into a sports knee in less than three minutes!
This state-of-the-art prosthetic knee system will be very gratifying if you service and maintain it accordingly.
Please enter the serial numbers of your knee below. You will provide this number if the knee unit requires
servicing. Serial numbers are located on the knee frame under the protective cover.
This owner's manual contains the latest information for this model (as of June 2016). Future minor differ-
ences due to developments in the knee design cannot be ruled out completely.
All specifications are non-binding. LEFTSIDE Industries (Leftside) specifically reserves the right to modify or
delete technical specifications, prices, colors, forms, materials, services, designs, equipment, etc., without
prior notice and without specifying reasons, to adapt these to local conditions, as well as to stop production of
a particular model without prior notice. Leftside accepts no liability for delivery options, deviations from illus-
trations and descriptions, as well as misprints and other errors. The models portrayed (via included illustra-
tions) partly contain special equipment that does not form part of the regular scope of delivery.
Reproduction, even in part, as well as copying of all kinds, is permitted only with the express written permis-
sion of the copyright owner.