Crossover™ Manual V1/62920016 ©Fabtech Systems LLC. All Rights Reserved.
RT3 Shock
The Crossover™ knee utilizes a pneumatic/hydraulic shock. This
shock uses a combination of air, oil and valving to control and change
flexion and extension moments. Air pressure is user adjustable and
the regulated air spring/air pressure will dictate how firm that spring is.
The user controls will regulate flexion and extension rates.
Similar in function to the S-N-S Mauch units this pneumatic/hydraulic
shock provides the ability to manage average ambulation require-
ments, and when combined with the tendon, X/CAM™ and Cross-
flex™ wedges (see below), provides the additional dampening and
rebound for high activity sports.
Crossflex™ Wedges
Crossflex™ preflexion wedges are a mid-durometer foam wedge sys-
tem that is user added to change the preflexion angle/position per
sport activity. Different sports require different preflexion settings.
Snowboarding for example may require 30° whereas mountain biking
may do better at 10°.
Crossflex™ wedges are designed to act like knee cartilage and pro-
vide a small amount of compression absorption. This feature absorbs
a small percentage of impact energy keeping it from directly translating
into the prosthetic limb.
net result is a less stressed prosthetic
Crossflex™ wedges require no tools to add to the knee and are insert-
ed at the knee axis.
20, 30 and 40 degree angle/positions are available.
Note: When
standing forces are placed on the wedges, there is an average com-
pression rate of 5 to 10% to the wedges.
Variable Extension Dampening “VED” Bumper System
VED bumpers come in 75° and 85° durometer ratings and can be in-
terchanged to address knee performance during stance phase. 85 du-
rometer VED pads can be ordered separately. ( Page 26)