9. Start-up
LED Indicators:
The board has a two-digit display. When not in
“PROGRAMMING” mode, this display is used to indicate
the status of inputs. The figure below shows how the LED
segments are mapped to the corresponding the inputs.
The table below shows the status of the LEDs in relation to
the status of the inputs.
Note the following:
= closed contact
= open contact
Operation of the Status Signaling LEDs
The status of the LEDs while the gate is closed at rest are shown
in bold.
Rotation direction and force check:
1. Program the functions of the 455 D control board ac-
cording to need, as previously shown.
2. Turn power off to the control board.
3. Release the operators and manually move the gate
to the mid-point of the opening angle.
4. Re-lock the operators.
5. Restore power.
6. Send an opening command on the OPEN A input and
verify that the gate leaves start moving towards the
open position
Note: If the first OPEN A pulse starts a closing movement,
turn power off and reverse the phases of the electric
motor (red and black wires) on the 455 D control board.
7. Check force setting of the motors, modify if necessary.
Note: For hydraulic operators, like the 400, force should be
programmed to maximum level (50)
8. Stop leaf movement with a pulse on the STOP input or
turning off power.
9. Release the operators, close the leaves and re-lock
the operators.
Opening/closing time is established by a time learning pro-
cedure which can be accomplished in “simple” or “com-
plete” modes. The simple mode doesn’t allow a slow down
phase in the operator, while the complete mode does.
The slow down can be useful to reduce the mechanical
stress on the gate, but it can create problems in high wind
Command activated
Command inactive
Command activated
Command inactive
Command inactive
Command activated
Safety devices clear
Safety devices triggered
Safety devices clear
Safety devices triggered
FCA1 (if used)
Limit switch free
Limit switch triggered
FCC1 (if used)
Limit switch free
Limit switch triggered
FCC2 (if used)
Limit switch free
Limit switch triggered
FCA2 (if used)
Limit switch free
Limit switch triggered
This is the normal status of the display with all the safety
inputs clear and no activation signal present