Check the enclosure has been sealed correctly as per the instructions:
2. The tray and tiles prior to the enclosure installation (Step 1).
3. The width of the wall profiles at the bottom where they meet the wall and the tray (Step 2).
4. Inside the wall profiles where they meet the tray (Step 2).
5. Vertically on the inside of the enclosure the full length of the wall profiles/wall profile trims where they
meet the tiles (Step 6).
6. Vertically on the outside of the enclosure the full length of the wall profiles where they meet the tiles
(Step 6).
7 Horizontally along the glass and aluminium on the outside only (Step 6).
8. Check the horizontal door seal is fully locating along the sealing strip on the tray (Step 5)
9. Check the bottom door seal has been cut accurately to locate onto the vertical seals at the bottom of
the door and panel (step 5).
10.Check the vertical door and panel magnet seal are locating along the full length (Step 5).
1. Check the wall profiles have been installed as per the instructions:
2. Make sure they are vertically level (Step 2).
3. Check the tray installation (Step 1).
4. Check the brace bar has been installed as per the instructions:
5. Check the brace bar is level (Step 4).
6. Check the panels are vertically level (Step 4).
1. Check the tray installation:
2. Check the tray is level (Step 1).
3. Check the wall profiles have been fitted as per the instructions:
4. Make sure they are vertically level (Step 2).
5. Check the panels have been fitted as per the instructions
6. Make sure they are vertically and horizontally level (Step 3).
7. Check the hinges have been fitted as per the instructions:
8. Check the hinges are level (Step 5).
Some important information to help you Maintain your product.
The following information is all you need to keep your product looking new.
Clean your product using a mild detergent diluted in water and then polished off using a soft cloth.
If you live in a hard water area, periodically clean your product using a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water. The solution
should be left on the enclosure for approximately 5 minutes then rinsed off using warm water. This method of cleaning should
remove lime scale residue.
Simple maintenance.
Our products are generally maintenance free, however it may be necessary to lubricate wheel assemblies and other moving parts
from time to time.
It is strongly recommended that a quality silicone spray is used.
A list of Don'ts:
1 - Don't use acidic based products which are unsuitable for cleaning enamel surfaces.
2 - Don't use Abrasive cleaners or cleaners containing bleach or solvents, these products will adversely affect the finish of the
aluminium profiles.
3 - Don't use scouring pads, powder or any sharp instruments when cleaning the enclosure.
FA - Freedom Arc Dec 2009:CQB
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