Apply water resistant, acid free grease on the inside of the unit’s coupling (e.g. Cassida
Grease EPS2 SHELL for drinking water, Alvania Grease EP2 SHELL for general purposes or
other similar greases).
Align the unit shaft and the drive shaft, join the unit and the motor.
Screw the motor onto the pump, cross tighten the screws complying with the standards.
6": M12 8": M16 10”: M12-M14-M16-M20
5.4 Electropump cable extension
Damages to the motor if the cable is damaged.
→ Make sure the motor cable does not touch any sharp edges.
→ Protect the cable with a cable protection bar
Observe the instructions given by the unit manufacture as regards to connection of the
Only use extension leads and insulating material suitable for the purpose (especially for
drinking water) and allowed for the temperatures reached by the liquid treated.
Cable sections: the tables in our catalogue are applicable only for the conditions given.
The installer is responsible for the correct choice and size of the cable.
Lay the cable along the pump and piping.
Connect, to standard, the earth wire to the earth terminal on the motor.
Protect the connection of the cable against the penetration of water (heat shrunk sheaths,
sealing materials or ready-to-use cable seals).