Irrigator Feature
For applications where motor or other circuits are controlled from the SMS-
2 unit’s output and
the connected load must be stopped by either manual stop switch or sensor (such as a
pressure switch on pumping applications).
Opening the output uses the SMS’s internal logic
and therefore is instantaneous. Note that text message commands to turn off the output are
still enabled under this feature.
If this feature is turned On, then if
has been turned On, it will turn OFF if either a text
is sent to turn it off, or if
is triggered (allows for a manual stop or sensor switch to be
connected to Input2).
Irrigator On
(this will turn the feature On)
(this will turn the feature Off)
The system responds with:
The Irrigator feature has been turned ?? (?? can be on or off)
Irrigator2 Feature
For applications where a pump or irrigator (connected to output1) is turned on via a text and
turned off either by a text or if input 2 turns off, (when input 2 is connected to a flow switch).
When the pump turns on, then input2 should also turn on (due to water flow) if input2 does
not turn on within 10 seconds of output1 turning on then output1 will turn off and a text will be
sent. If at any time while output1 is on and input2 turns off (due to no water flow) then output1
will turn off and a text will be sent.
Text =
“The pump has turned off due to no water flow”
Irrigator2 On
(this will turn the feature On)
(this will turn the feature Off)
The system responds with:
The irrigator2 feature has been turned ?? (?? can be on or off)
Ezy Switch SMS-IRR-4 Installation & Operation