An EyeLink 1000 Plus Tutorial: Running an Experiment
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd.
or later of the host software displays an additional Lens configuration
selecting the Remote mode. Please make sure the lens selected in the Set
Options screen matches the actual lens installed on the camera so that a
proper target-to-camera distance can be reported.
Go to the Camera Setup screen. Make sure the lens cap has been removed.
A camera image should now be displayed in the global view of Camera Setup
screen. Ask the participant to be seated. Adjust the height of the chair so
that the participant is comfortable and his/her line of sight is to the top 25%
of the screen. Adjust your mount position so that the eye to be tracked
appears in the center of the global camera view (see Figure 3-6).
Figure 3-6: Camera Setup Screen with the Monocular Remote
Place a target sticker on the participant’s forehead (see Figure 3-7). This
small target sticker allows tracking of head position even when the pupil
image is lost (i.e., during blinks or sudden movements). Ideally, it should be
just above the eyebrow of the tracked eye or on the forehead between the
two eyes. If the target sticker is placed too much towards the temporal side