EyeLink 1000 Plus Host Software
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd.
standalone mode that are not driven by a Display PC using the EyeLink API, or
to override or manipulate options not set by the Display PC application. Ideally,
all settings to be crucially controlled are set by the Display PC application at
runtime via a set of API calls.
The Default Settings should be sufficient for many tracking applications. Set Options Screen Main Functions
Select the Calibration
Type for recording.
Generally speaking, the
more locations sampled,
the greater the accuracy that can be expected. While the 9-point calibration
type is good for most tracking modes, we recommend using 13-point calibration
type for the Remote Mode to get the best recording accuracy.
Keyboard Shortcuts: C=alternates between Calibration Type selected
Select the delay in
successive calibration or validation targets if automatic target detection is active
(Force Manual Accept is disabled).
Keyboard Shortcuts: P = alternate between Pacing options
Randomize the calibration and validation target
presentation order.
Keyboard Shortcuts: R = toggle Randomize Order on/off
Redisplay the first calibration or validation
target at the end of the calibration sequence. As
this is typically amongst the poorest samples
obtained, toggling this option on is recommended.
Keyboard Shortcuts: 1 = toggle Repeat First Point on/off
If enabled, manual pressing of the spacebar or
ENTER key on Host or Display PC is required to
gather the sample when the participant is
looking at each calibration or validation target. If disabled, the calibration and
validation procedure automatically samples a target fixation once the eye
Keyboard Shortcuts: Y = toggle Force Manual Accept on/off.
On the monocular-only Tower Mount, clicking
the ‘Camera Position Detect’ button polls the
position of the camera selection knob on the
mount to determine which eye to track.
Keyboard Shortcuts: K = toggle camera eye autodetect on or off.