EyeLink 1000 Plus Host Software
2013-2017 SR Research Ltd.
25 Camera Setup Screen Purpose
This is the central screen for most EyeLink 1000 Plus setup functions. From
this screen, the view from the camera can be optimized and the pupil and
corneal reflection (CR) detection threshold or biases can be established. The eye
to be tracked, tracking mode, pupil-fitting model, search limits and display
options can be set. Configuration of tracker settings, Calibration, Validation,
and Drift Checking/Drift Correction can be initiated from this screen. Camera Setup Screen Main Functions
Click to have the Host PC automatically compute the
pupil and CR threshold levels. Fine tuning may be
necessary. This button is not displayed when using the Remote Mode as the
threshold levels are dynamically adjusted in this mode.
Keyboard Shortcuts: A = Auto Threshold selected image
Clicking these buttons manually increases or decreases the
selected pupil threshold (or pupil threshold bias values for the
Remote Mode).
Keyboard Shortcuts:
increase and decrease pupil
threshold/bias respectively
In Pupil-CR mode, these buttons manually increase or decrease
the selected CR threshold (or CR threshold bias for the Remote
Keyboard Shortcuts: + and - increase and decrease CR
threshold/bias respectively
Select the tracking mode (pupil-only vs. pupil-CR)
for recording. Typically, with most shipped
systems, Pupil-CR is the only mode available
because Pupil-only tracking requires complete head immobilization for high
Keyboard Shortcuts: P = toggle Pupil only or Pupil-CR mode where possible
Select the sampling rate for recording. Here 1000
Hz is selected. The 2000 Hz sampling rate is
available only with the 2000 Hz camera upgrade.
Keyboard Shortcuts: F = alternates Sample Rate selection