MGP Pro Series • Contents
Special Applications
.......................................... 97
Application 1: Connecting the MGP Pro to
a Matrix Switcher ............................................. 97
Setting Up the MGP Pro to Work with a
Matrix Switcher ........................................... 98
Application 2: Connecting Multiple
MGP Pros in Succession (Daisy-chaining) ...... 101
Setting up MGPs for Daisy-chaining ........... 102
Reference Information
.................................... 104
Mounting the MGP Pro .................................. 104
Tabletop Use .............................................. 104
Rack Mounting ........................................... 104
Rack Mounting Procedure .......................... 105
IP Addressing ................................................. 105
What is an IP Address?............................... 105
Choosing IP Addresses .............................. 106
Subnet Mask .............................................. 107
Pinging for the IP Address .......................... 107
Connecting as a Telnet Client ...................... 108
Subnetting, a Primer ................................... 110
Updating the Firmware ................................... 111
Determining the Firmware Version ............... 111
Downloading the Firmware ......................... 114
Uploading the Firmware .............................. 114