AXI 22 AT and AXI 44 AT • Remote Control
Remote Control
This section discusses the Simple Instruction Set (SIS
) commands that can be issued to
the AXI 22 AT and AXI 44 AT via the front panel USB Config port. The following topics are
SIS Commands
Command and Response Table for SIS Commands
DSP SIS Commands
Command and Response Table for DSP SIS Commands
SIS Commands
Simple Instruction Set (SIS) commands are a set of commands developed by Extron that
consist of one or more characters per field and do not require any special characters to
begin or end a command sequence. When the AXI 22 AT or AXI 44 AT determine that a
command is valid, they execute the command and send a response to the host device. All
responses from the devices to the host end with a carriage return and a line feed, indicating
the end of a response string (one or more characters).
The AXI can be configured and controlled via SIS commands sent through the front panel
USB Config port (see
figure 7
page 8). SIS commands are entered from a host PC
via the DataViewer software application which can be downloaded from
(see the
DataViewer Help
file to use this program).
Using the Command and Response Tables
When programming, certain characters are more conveniently represented by their
hexadecimal rather than ASCII values. The table below shows the hexadecimal equivalent of
each ASCII character:
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
Figure 37.
ASCII to HEX Conversion Table
The Command and Response tables list valid ASCII commands, the AXI 22 AT or AXI 44 AT
responses to the host, and descriptions of the command functions with the results of
executing the commands.
figure 37.
ASCII to Hex