Table 2: Text Conventions
Angle brackets ( < > )
Angle brackets ( < > ) indicate that you choose the
text to enter based on the description inside the
brackets. Do not type the brackets when you enter
the command.
If the command syntax is
cfm maintenance-
domain maintenance-level <0-7>
, you can
cfm maintenance-domain
maintenance-level 4
Bold text
Bold text indicates the GUI object name you must act
• Click
• On the
menu, choose
Braces ( { } )
Braces ( { } ) indicate required elements in syntax
descriptions. Do not type the braces when you enter
the command.
For example, if the command syntax is
ip address
, you must enter the IP address in
dotted, decimal notation.
Brackets ( [ ] )
Brackets ( [ ] ) indicate optional elements in syntax
descriptions. Do not type the brackets when you
enter the command.
For example, if the command syntax is
show clock
, you can enter either
show clock
show clock detail
Ellipses ( … )
An ellipsis ( … ) indicates that you repeat the last
element of the command as needed.
For example, if the command syntax is
ethernet/2/1 [ <parameter>
<value> ]...,
you enter
and as
many parameter-value pairs as you need.
Italic Text
Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the
place where they are defined in the text. Italics are
also used when referring to publication titles that are
not active links.
Plain Courier Text
Plain Courier text indicates command names,
options, and text that you must enter. Plain Courier
text also indicates command syntax and system
output, for example, prompts and system messages.
Table continues…
March 2020
Installing the VSP 7200 Series