Setup and Flying
When setup correctly with the proper CG, the Muscle Bipe is a gentle and
docile aircraft that is very easy to fly for any experienced modeler. Take offs
and landings are easy, just remember there is a lot of drag with the large cowl
and 2 wings so be sure to keep some power on when landing to avoid stalling.
The Muscle Bipe is also very aerobatic, capable of all standard aerobatic
maneuvers and very stable in high alpha 3D manuevers, hovers, rolling
harriers, etc. While it is not a plane designed for XA maneuvers, it is very
capable of flying gorgeous big sky precision aerobatics and presents very
elegantly in the air.
Here are suggested throws, and as mentioned earlier in the manual, the ideal
center of gravity is measured at 5.25 inches back from the leading edge of the
upper wing, measured at the root.
Aileron Low: 15 deg up, 15 deg down 18-20% exponential
High: 33 deg up, 32 deg down 50-60% exponential
Elevator Low: 10-12 deg 18-20% exponential
High/3D: 45-50 deg 50-60% exponential
Rudder Low: 20 deg 50-60% exponential
High: 45+ deg 60-80% exponential
Thank you so much for your business and I sincerely hope your Muscle Bipe
provides you with many seasons of flying fun! See ya at the flying field!
Chris Hinson
Extreme Flight