21. For those of you assembling the radial version of the Muscle Bipe,
installing the engine baffle will probably be the most time consuming step in
the assembly process. Start by installing the cowl over the mounted engine.
The baffle should fit 1/4" to 1/2" behind the front of the cylinders. I find it a
huge help to determine the location of the baffle and measure forward from
the rear of the cowl, making several marks around the interior circumference
of the cowl with a felt tip marker where the baffle ring will be glued. Then
take some scrap balsa or spruce 1/4" square sticks and cut into 1/2" lengths
and glue these in place in multiple locations where you have marked the cowl.
This will allow you to slide the baffle ring into position and butt against the
sticks, aiding in proper positioning of the ring. Carefully bend the baffle ring
to insert it into the cowl. Use the opening in the bottom of the cowl ring that
accepts the mounting block to give you a bit more room to fit the ring into the
cowl. Tack glue the ring into place, then use some short wood screws (3 per
section) to mount the 3 baffle pieces to the ring. You will notice there are pre-
drilled holes in the ring and baffle pieces to accept these screws, insuring
proper alignment. Re-install the cowl and check baffle alignment with the
cylinders. Reposition until the best fit is achieved and when satisfied run a
fillet of epoxy around the entire intersection of baffle ring and cowl.