22. Make an opening in the bottom of the cowl to allow incoming air to exit.
Below is a picture of the cutouts I made on the bottom for the gas twin engine
version for the exhaust stacks and air exit. I made a similar opening on the
radial version.
23. Install your cowl, prop and spinner along with your receiver and batteries
and assemble your aircraft. For the radial version, install you receiver on the
rear tray and your battery as far back on this tray as possible. Since I am
powering the servos and ignition (via an IBEC) I used a 5000 mah 2S Lipo at
the very rear of the tray and the CG was perfect. For those using a 70cc twin
or electric setup it is imperative to mount all batteries and components as far
forward as possible. I mounted my receiver just in front of the rudder servo
and my 5000 mah 2S pack in front of the gas tank. Assemble the entire
aircraft to confirm CG. We have found the ideal CG to be measured at 5.25
inches back from the leading edge of the top wing at the root.