ExRobotics B.V.
Robot System
Operating Guide
Document No.:
Version No.: 12
Ian Peerless
Page 24 of 30
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Copyright 2021 ExRobotics B.V.
Changing ExR-2 SIM cards
ExR-2 SIM cards are located inside the communications module which is inside the hull beside the
mast. To change SIM cards:
Remove the top hull plate.
Remove the front of the communications module
’s front enclosure
Change the SIM.
Make sure you do not damage the flameproof joint surfaces around the front enclosure and
back enclosure. Also ensure that the O Ring is correctly seated.
Re-torque the bolts securing the front to the back enclosures to 7 Nm with a calibrated
torque wrench.
ExRobotics will provide remote support the first time a customer performs this task.
Robots are fitted with security features:
People cannot connect to the robot unless they have the necessary authentication.
The 4G network provider will be able to locate the robot when it’s powered on.