ML442 | v5k
Expo Technologies UK
T: +44 (0) 20 8398 8011
E: [email protected]
Expo Technologies US
T: +1 (440) 247 5314
E:[email protected]
Expo Technologies China
T: +86 532 8906 9858
E: [email protected]
7. Fault Finding
If the system does not behave in the manner described above there is a fault. Some of the
more likely faults are dealt with below. If a cure cannot be affected by following the procedure
shown below please call Expo (24 hour answering) or your supplier for further assistance.
The system has been designed for ease of fault finding and the many of the components fitted
are plug-in or manifold mounted. Check components by substitution only after establishing that
such action is necessary. If the system is less than 12 months old, parts under warranty should
be returned to Expo for investigation, with a full report of the fault and the system serial number.
As with any pneumatic system the greatest enemies are water, oil and dirt in the air supply. For
this reason the air system must always incorporate a dust and water filter. This can be part of
the Expo system or can be provided by others. However dirt can enter from other sources and
it is vital therefore that the procedures described in Section 2 is carried out before using the
system for the first time, or following any disconnection of the pipe-work. Failure to perform this
work may cause damage that will not be covered under warranty.
Before making the following checks verify that both the main air supply pressure to the purge
system & the regulated pressure to the logic are as specified on the system specification sheet.
Different flow charts for faulting have been provided for both the CF and LC options.