Join the OpenGOTO community!
One of the most revolutionary aspects of the PMC-Eight OpenGOTO system is undoubtedly its open
source software. With our precision motion control system, you can create a unique observing
experience and find your own inspiration in motion.
The PMC-Eight was specifically designed to allow you to create your own vision about how to use the
system. We put an emphasis on accessibility so you can unleash the full potential of this extraordinary
system. The result is complete access to the coding that drives the PMC-Eight OpenGOTO.
The software developer’s kit provides you the building blocks you need to discover new ways to
customize our powerful system to better serve your individual needs. Programmers can use their
unique skills to manipulate the PMC-Eight’s robust electronics, which include a two motor channel
multi-processor micro-controller with eight central processing units that operate independently of
one another. Additional features include a 64 Kbyte EEPROM non-volatile Memory bank used to store
parameters; a wireless Ethernet 10/100 with full IP function that permits operation from anywhere
using a browser, ASCOM or application over the web or serial port; and non-volatile memory used to
store various parameters. The electronics also includes an auto-guider port (ST4 contact input).
innovative thinkers interested in customizing the
PMC-Eight can find the SDK and access the OpenGOTO community where they can interact with other
programmers through the PMC-Eight Group forum located at
We encourage you to make this system your own, and we cannot wait to experience the results
of your efforts!
Share the Sky!
Awakening individuals to the marvels of the universe can be one of the most rewarding aspects of
owning a telescope.
When you share your eyepiece with others, you can witness their sense of wonder bloom as they take
in celestial spectacles like the chiseled lunar terrain, the elegant rings of Saturn or the blue-white
stars of the misty Orion Nebula for the first time.
Whether you are in your backyard, on a street corner or at star party, by using your telescope for
outreach you are continuing a tradition started by Galileo more than 400 years ago. Since then,
humanity’s understanding of the universe has grown at an astounding pace, and much of that
discovery can be linked to the desire to explore that is born from looking through a telescope.
Founded in 2000, the Astronomy Outreach network (AOn) was created to encourage and celebrate
public outreach efforts by astronomers of all levels. This non-profit organization has tasked itself
with forging connections between individual astronomers, astronomy clubs and larger astronomy and
space education initiatives. No matter where you are at in your journey to provide outreach, AOn is a
great resource that can be accessed at www.astronomyoutreach.net or through Facebook and Twitter.
As Carl Sagan said, “The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.” At the eyepiece, the petty
differences of humanity dissolve as our collective place in the universe is put in perspective. We are on
this “pale blue dot” together, and helping others realize our common fragile bond is vital.
We encourage you to help others access the stars while you are on your own journey of exploration.
The mind-expanding experience you can share can truly make a difference by inspiring others to
discover more about the planet, the solar system, the galaxy and the universe we all call home.