4. Once you have centered the selected star in the eyepiece, press or click on the “Sync” button which
is located under the number 7.
5. After you have synced to this star, the display will show you the next available star and you can
begin the same process with the second star. Based on your first selection, the program will select
the next star beginning on the eastern horizon. If this selection is not visible, select “Try Next Star”
until you arrive at a target that will work.
The 3 Star Alignment and Alignment Tour Options Follow The Same Process Only
With An Extra Star To Align To.
Point Mode and Track Mode
There is an advanced feature in the ExploreStars application that ensures accurate tracking rates are
maintained when a proper physical polar alignment is not obtained and you are performing the 2 or
3 Star Virtual Alignment procedure. There are two tracking modes available called Track mode and
Point mode.
When slewing to an object after a 2 or 3 Star Alignment, the system goes into Point mode, which
directs the mount to continually “Point” to the object based on the real-time calculated motor position
using the 2 or 3 star pointing correction.
The behavior of the mount in this mode is such that the tracking rate not only on the RA axis but also
the DEC axis is adjusted dynamically and is updated five times per second to maintain the object in
the center of the field.
When slewing the mount manually with the keypad buttons, the system reverts to “Track” mode,
which sets the RA axis rate to the predetermined set tracking rate value. All of these functions result
in excellent object tracking for both visual observing and astrophotography.
The Point mode is indicated on the ExploreStars display as a “triangle P” symbol , and the Track
mode is indicated by the “square Tr” symbol . So even if you are not physically polar aligned, you can
still rely on the tracking rates to be accurate when doing astrophotography. There are limitations to
the length of exposure with regard to field rotation based on the focal length and image scale of your
Track Mode
Point Mode
When using the AUTO-GUIDING (ST4 RJ-12) port with the ExploreStars application, the
tracking performance of the mount will degrade, and result in a small amount of NON-PERIODIC
Finding Objects
The ExploreStars app makes it easy to navigate the night sky by organizing its massive database of
celestial objects into catalogs — Messier Objects, Solar System Objects and Alignment Stars.
To find celestial objects from the provided catalogs:
1. Select one of the categories on the top menu bar, and you will be presented with a variety of targets.
2. Choose an object, and the application will pull up an image of the object and detailed information
about it.
3. If the object is currently above the horizon at your location, a “Slew to Object” button will appear
beneath the image.
If the object is not above the horizon in your area, this “Slew to Object” button will not appear.
When you press the “Slew to Object” button, the mount slews to the target and the home screen
display will appear with a map showing a blinking red dot representing the location of the chosen