SSE232-LE User’s Manual
Table 5 - FACTRESET command
Resets the original manufacturer’s configuration.
This command must be entered twice for the SSE232-LE to reset to the
manufacturer’s configuration. SSE232-LE Reset
If necessary, SSE232-LE may be reset. If SSE232-LE is reset, all connections are closed and
SSE232-LE returns to its initial status.
To reset SSE232-LE through the Web page:
Select “Advanced” from the menu, you will see the advanced configuration page.
Click on the “Reset SSE232-LE ” button. A message will appear asking you to
confirm the action.
Select “Yes” if you want to reset SSE232-LE .
From the command console, you may reset SSE232-LE by executing the RESET command.
Table 6 - RESET command
Resets the SSE232-LE
This command must be entered twice for SSE232-LE to reset.
3.2.3 Configuration of serial ports
SSE232-LE ´s serial port may be configured according to your needs. The configuration parameters
of each COM are:
Baud Rate: Serial Port Rate of transference by bits per second. Possible values are: 300, 600,
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 33600, 38400 , 57600 y 115200.
Parity: Type of parity. Possible values are: NONE (without parity), EVEN (Even Parity) and
ODD (Odd parity).
Bits of data: Bits of data of the COM. Possible values are: 7 y 8.
Flow Control: For COM type RS-232 in models 1083, 1C43 and 2043, flow control, if wanted,
may be configured by hardware (RTS/CTS). Possible values are: With flow control and
without flow control . Rev.