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Pin 30 is INPUT,
also known
as Common.
86 87a 85
Universal Relay Diagram
Pin 86 and Pin 85 are the relay’s Coil pins.
(+) Positive and (-) Negative 12 volts on these pins
activate the relay. It is a good installation
practice to consider
Pin 86 as (+) and
Pin 85 as (-).
Pin 87a is OUTPUT
when the relay is NOT
actived, also known
as Normally Closed.
Pin 87 is OUTPUT when
the relay IS activated, also
known as Normally Open.
“footprint” view,
as looking at relay
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Installation Considerations
Before Starting The Installation:
This entire booklet should be read
before starting the installation. An understanding of which control module wires
are to be used and their functions is essential. Installations will vary from car to car
, as some control module wire connections are required, while others are optional.
Before starting the installation, it should be determined which control module
wires will be used. Most installers will list these wires, then "map out" the instal-
lation by locating and noting the target wires in the vehicle. This will also deter-
mine the best location for the control module, which is mounted upon completion
of the installation and testing of the system.
Some of the wiring connections, such as power, ignition and starter interrupt, are
best made at the ignition switch harness, located around the steering column area.
The AL-1010-EDP is a 1-way security system,
and the AL-1510-EDP is the same, except it is
prepackaged as a 2-way system. This installation
booklet describes both models; please carefully
read these instructions before starting the
installation. The numerous wiring connections
required, and the options offered by several of
the programmable features makes pre-planning
the installation critical.
More complete instructions for programming
transmitters and features may be found in the
Operation Guide manual.
Other typical connection points may be behind the dash or in the kick panel areas,
for parking and/or interior lights, trigger circuits and power doorlocks. Soldering
or proper use of crimping terminals for all wiring connections are recommended.
CAUTION! Avoid the Airbag circuit! Especially avoid any harness
or wires encased in Yellow or Red tubing or sleeves. Do not use
a standard test light, as it can deploy an airbag or damage on-
board computers and sensors if the wrong circuits are probed. A
Digital Multimeter (DMM) should be used.