ExtendAir® eMIMO™ Digital Microwave Radios
To reset the radio to factory settings:
Remove the waterproof connector/gland/spacer assembly from the Sync
In/Out port of the radio.
Keep all pieces of this connector safe and secure (rubber gland, beveled
washer, nut, spacer plug). If the Sync port was in use, remove the connected
sync cable.
Place the reset tool (an RJ-45 wired with pins 3 and 5 connected to each
other and no other pins connected) into the Sync In/Out port of the radio.
If already communicating to the radio GUI, navigate to the Shutdown page
and click the Shutdown button
Wait for 30 seconds before going on to the next step.
Power cycle the radio using one of the following methods:
Remove power at the PoE injector source
Disconnect from the PoE injector or disconnect at the ETH1/PoE port
Reconnect or reapply power.
Ensure that proper and constant power is applied for the
remainder of this procedure.
Wait approximately 20 seconds or until three short beeps occur.
On any wait longer than 20 seconds, at approximately every 10
seconds thereafter, two short beeps sound.
Remove the reset tool from the Sync In/Out port.
Wait approximately 45 to 90 seconds or until one long beep occurs.
Replace the waterproof connector/gland/spacer assembly in the Sync In/Out
port or reconnect sync cable and tighten the connector assembly.
Wait approximately two minutes.
The following changes are made to the radio:
IP address =
IP Mask =
Admin and User passwords = password
All factory settings restored
The radio should be accessible using the above default access configurations and
can be reprogrammed for all other parameters.
On a reboot of the radio under management, the radio drops
traffic across the link. The far-end (remote) radio is inaccessible for
approximately 2 minutes.