Design and function
Cooling module connection
Item Symbol Description
Cooling unit
Cooling unit voltage supply
Protective contact socket
Quick connect coupling (red)
Coolant return to cooling unit
Rapid-action closure nipple
Coolant return from welding torch
Plasma torch
Quick connect coupling, blue
Coolant supply to the welding torch
• Connect the cooling unit mains connection to the cooling unit voltage supply connection socket.
• Establish a coolant return from the torch to the power source.
• Establish a coolant return from the power source to the cooling unit.
• Establish a coolant forward flow from the cooling unit to the torch.
Coolant flow monitoring
After switching on the system, monitoring sets in with a time delay of 30 s to allow for the
system pressure to build up. The flow rate depends on the torch used. At the moment
monitoring is adjusted for use with a torch of type 150A PMC. If the flow rate is less than
1,2 l/min a process warning is issued on the system interface (coolant error). If the flow rate
drops below 1,0 l/min an error is generated in the system causing the main and pilot arc to be
switched off.
Coolant temperature monitoring
After switching on the system, monitoring sets in with a time delay of 30 s to allow for the
system temperature to build up. If the system temperature rises to above 35 °C a process
warning is issued on the system interface (coolant error). If the temperature rises to above
42 °C an error is generated in the system causing the main and pilot arc to be switched off.