Chapter 3 BIOS Setup
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Floppy A
Configure the floppy driver type.
OnBoard Floppy Controller
Used to enable floppy controller.
Serial Port 1 Address
Set the addresses and IRQs of COM1 on motherboard. The options are:
Disabled, 3F8H/IRQ4, 3E8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3 and 2F8H/IRQ3.
Serial Port 2 Address
Set the addresses and IRQs of COM2 on motherboard. The options are:
Disabled, 3F8H/IRQ4, 3E8/IRQ4, 2E8/IRQ3 and 2F8H/IRQ3.
Uart IRQ Attribute
Level Active Low: IRQ mode option under Windows system.
Edge Active High: IRQ mode option under Linux system.
Serial Port 3-6 Address
Set the addresses of COM3-6 on motherboard;
Serial Port 3-6 IRQ
Set the IRQs of COM3-6 on motherboard;
Parallel Port Address
Set the address of the parallel port on motherboard.
Parallel Port Mode
Set the mode for the parallel port on motherboard.
Parallel Port IRQ
Set the IRQ of the parallel port on motherboard.