High Density Network Address Translator
Revision 1.0
Page - 17
Figure 4-5 : WebEASY® - Data Port Configurations
This page allows users to set address information for data ports and port interfaces attached to each
port. For an explanation of the port assignments see Figure 1-2.
4.2.1. Data Ports
Data ports are set in WAN – LAN pairs (port numbers: WAN : odd #, LAN : even #), the dataports menu
allows users to set the following:
MAC Address:
MAC set by hardware displayed here.
IP Address:
This allows user to set the IP Address to be assigned to this port.
Netmask Address:
This allows the user to enter the netmask for this port
Gateway Address:
This allows the user to enter the gateway address of this port.
Auto ARP:
Enabling this allows for automatic address resolution for conflicting IPs assigned to this port.
Disabling this will prevent ARP rerouting.