ECOR FHD 4F / 8F / 16F Full HD DVR
I/O Control
The I/O Control setup menu is used to define the settings for controlling the DVR through
RS-485 communication protocol and for DVR to control the connected PTZ cameras.
PTZ Protocol:
Select PTZ protocol, choose from the following protocols: Transparent, Pelco_D,
Pelco_P, Everfocus or Samsung. (Note: All cameras on the RS-485 bus must use the same
485 ID:
This is the ID used by the EKB500 to send commands to the DVR. On an RS-485
connection, every device (PTZ, DVR and controller) must be assigned an unique ID number
between 0 and 127.
Baud Rate:
This field is to set the speed at which is used to transmit instruction or
information through the RS-485 port on the DVR. There are eight different speeds: 1200 BPS,
2400 BPS, 4800 BPS, 9600 BPS, 19200 BPS, 38400 BPS, 57600 BPS and 115200 BPS.
Data Bit:
This field is the data bit at which you will be transferring. There are two settings for
this option: 8 or 7.
Stop Bit:
This field is to set the stop bit for the RS232 connection. There are two different stop
bits, 1 or 2.
This field is to select the parity level at which you will be connected. You can choose
between None, Odd, or Even parity levels.
One remote control can be used to operate four DVRs. The DVR to be addressed is
selected by pressing the key corresponding to its ID number on the IR Remote control. Please
refer to
Appendix E: IR Remote Control
Text Insert
for using POS system; select
for using EKB500 keyboard and
PTZ camera.
IR Controller ID:
Set up an
ID for the DVR and allow the IR remote control to control this DVR.