ECOR FHD 4F / 8F / 16F Full HD DVR
User Group
This setting page is used for configuring the privilege of the three access levels: Administrator,
Manager and Operator. Check the boxes under an access level to enable the privileges of that
access level. For example, if you check the
Clear Log
box under the Operator access level,
only the Operator has the privilege to clear log.
Manage User at Own Level:
Check this box for the user of an access level to be able to
configure other users’ settings of the same level at the User Management setting page (see
6.9.4 User Management
). For example, if this box under the Operator level has been checked,
any user with the Operator privilege can go to the User Management setting page to set up
the settings of other Operators.
User Management:
Check this box under an access level to enable the users of that level to
access the User Management and User Group setting page.
Click to return to the previous page.
Click to enter the next page.