: the cooking stove is turned off. In this case the oven will be heated by the electric heating element inside it. The output of the heating element
varies according to the oven SET which in this case varies from 80°C to 230°C. It is also possible to set the oven SET to OFF in order to keep the heating element
off. The wording STATIC OVEN will appear on the display.
Standard functioning of a control board properly installed on a forced air pellet stove is described below with reference to the functions available to users.
Stove ignition
Ensure that there are pellets in the hopper, that the burn pot is correctly positioned and free from any combustion residues and then close the door.
To turn on the stove, press button P4 for a few seconds. The display shows that the stove is on.
Start-up phase
The stove performs all the steps of the start-up phase according to the parameters concerning its levels and times. The display will show the wording START, as
there is no pellet loading but the exhaust blower is in operation.LOAD PELLET state will occur where the pellets are being loaded into the burn pot. Once the pellets
have started to burn and the fume temperature is increased, the display will show FLAME LIGHT, a transition phase between ignition and operating output.
Ignition fault
If the fume temperature has not reached the minimum permitted value after a predefined time, at a rate of 2°C/min, the cooking stove goes into alarm status.
If there are unburned pellets inside the burn pot, it is necessary to empty the burn put before switching on the stove again. Pellet waste and potential bursting inside
the combustion chamber will thus be avoided.
If the pellets have begun to burn but the alarm state persists, wait until all the pellets are burning and then switch on again.
Check that there are pellets inside the hopper.
Stove working in Hydro Mode
At the end of the start-up phase, if no problems occurred, the stove enters its normal working mode.
Changing set room temperature
Press button P2 to change the set room temperature. The display shows the current SET temperature value.
Changing set stove temperature
Press button P1 to change the set room temperature. The display shows the current SET temperature value. The stove temperature range varies from 50°C to
External thermostat/chrono-thermostat use
If you want to use an external programmable thermostat, connect it to the TERM clamps (connector CN7 pin 7-8).
External thermostat
External chrono-thermostat
The stove external thermostat is enabled when the contact is closed with stove on.
Room temperature reaches the set value (SET temperature)
When the room temperature has reached its set value, heat output is automatically brought to its minimum value, (MODULAZIONE) status. The word MODULAT-
will appear on the display.
If the STAND-BY mode has been activated, the stove switches off with a delay equal to a predefined time and after reaching the temperature SET. Re-ignition
occurs after occurrence of the following condition:
The environment decreases by 2°C with respect to that of SET.
The stove temperature reaches the set temperature (SET temperature)
The same situation is obtained when the stove temperature reaches the same level as that set. The modulation status is evident and, if enabled, STAND-BY status.
The stove is working in Oven Mode operation
Once the start-up phase has been successfully completed, the stove switches to work mode which represents normal operation.
All the caloric output of the pellets is transmitted to the cooking stove plate and to the oven.
Changing the oven temperature setting
To change the oven temperature, simply press the buttons P1 and P2. The display shows the current SET temperature value. If the stove is in THERMO-S mode,
the heat output will vary based on the temperature of the oven. If it is in STATIC mode, the heating element will vary its output according to the oven temperature.
When the oven mode is active, the stove will never go into STAND-BY.