The range for radio signal transmission between the outdoor sensor and the weather
station is up to 30 m under best conditions.
However, the range values refer to the so-called „free field range“.
This perfect alignment (e.g. weather station and outdoor sensor on a smooth, level
meadow without trees, houses, etc.), however, is never present in practice.
Normally the weather station is set up in the house and the outdoor sensor, e.g.
below a car port or at the side of a window.
Due to the different influences on radio transmission, no specific range can be
guaranteed for, unfortunately.
Usually, however, any operation in a family home is possible without any problems.
When the weather station doesn’t receive any data from the outdoor sensor (in
spite of new batteries), observe chapter 16.
The range may be considerably reduced by:
walls/masonry, reinforced concrete ceilings
coated/metallised insulated glass, aluminium windows, etc
trees, shrubbery, earth, rocks
proximity to metallic & conductive objects (e.g. heating elements)
proximity to human body
broadband interferences, e.g. in residential areas (DECT telephones, mobiles,
radio-controlled headphones, radio-controlled speakers, other radio-controlled
weather stations, baby phones etc.)
proximity to electric motors, transformers, mains adapters
proximity to mains sockets, mains cables
proximity to improperly shielded or uncovered operating computers or other
electric devices