The “diary” function in
allows the user to:
Manage appointments which are defined by a specified date, an hour and minute and an object
limited to 512 characters; and as well to add a “post-it” to a day which consists of an object without
time specification.
NOTE: In any configuration, when the diary application is closed, and afterwards re-opened - the last
line displayed will still be displayed.
If the date or clock of your
is wrong, refer to the “set date” menu or “set time” menu of the
“alarm-clock” application.
2 views are possible:
Displays a calendar in the shape of a table that allows the user to see one complete month at the
time. Using this display, a quick view of the organization of each day of the weeks in the month is
possible, but also to fast locate which day(s) of the week has at least one appointment.
Move the right joystick forwards and backwards to scroll through the calendar month by month and
move the joystick upwards and downwards to navigate through the weeks in order to check if a day
has already an appointment. A day that has an appointment is indicated by a capital letter in the
beginning of the name of the day.
The table shape makes it possible to easily locate the date associated with one day of the week.
Today’s date is marked by “!” before the date.
; one line of the table will be displayed over a length of 3 posts maximum. One page of
the calendar corresponds to one complete month and always contains of 7 lines.
To display the details of an appointment, click on the corresponding day using the cursor routing key
or change the application to “calendar view” (for more details refer to day view menu explained
Example of posts:
Jul 2010 s-- m-- t-- w--t01 !f02 s03
Jul 2010 s04 M05 t06 w07 t08 s09 s10
Jul 2010 s11 t12 w13 t14 f15 s16 s17
Jul 2010 s18 m19 t20 w21 t22 f23 s24
Jul 2010 s25 m26 t27 w28 t29 f-- s--
In the example above for the month of July 2010, today is Friday July 2
and the capital M in
Monday July 5th, indicates that this day has at least one appointment or post-it. Other days do not
have any appointment.
NOTE: To fast scroll through the dates of the month in your calendar use the scrolling wheels.