Delete a File or Folder
To delete a file or a folder, you have to indicate where the target is located on your micro-SD card.
To do so use the “navigate while in a tree folder structure”.
If man:sdcard>d,transport is displayed you are ready to delete the transport folder located at the
root of your micro-SD card and all its including files.
When the wanted file or folder is displayed, you can click on “delete”
The following question is displayed “info:Do you want to delete this folder/file? yes no cancel T”.
“Yes” will delete the element, “No” will return to the “file manager” menu and “cancel” will return to
the notepad application.
Rename a file or folder
To rename the currently displayed folder or file, target the element you want to rename, to do so
use the “navigate while in a tree folder structure”.
If man:sdcard>d,transport is displayed you are ready to rename the transport folder located at the
root of your micro-SD card.
When the wanted file or folder is displayed, you can click on “rename”.
The following edit box will be displayed:
ren:file<Transport rename cancel T
Type the new name of your file or folder in this edit box (for further information concerning edit box,
refer to edit box principle section). When finished editing the text, click on rename to finalize the
“Cancel” will lead you to the notepad application without changes.
When the menu option “cancel” is pressed while the file manager main menu is opened the user is
returned to the notepad and the currently opened document.