Euphonix Version 3 Supplement to the R-1 Operation Manual
Display Features
Figure 2-9
Zoom to Extents
Bars and Beats
The R-1’s extensive Title Time display now includes
Bars, Beats, and Ticks
. When
selected, the time locator accepts and displays time information in these more musically
meaningful units. A tempo map editing page permits up to 16 tempo regions per Title.
A click track can be created using one imported WAV file for the beat marks of the cur-
rent tempo map and a second WAV file for the downbeat (see
Create a Click Track
page 23).
Bars and Beats time display differs from other display modes because it depends on the
tempo and time signature, both of which can change independently during a single title.
The R-1 represents these changes as a tempo region; there can be 16 regions per Title.
Tempo and Time Signature
is one unit of the bottom number of the time signature. For example, in 3/4 time,
a beat is one quarter note. Tempo is represented as
beats per minute
(bpm); the allow-
able range is 1–960 bpm. The top number in the time signature indicates the number of
beats per measure.
We recommend programming the time and tempo changes into your R-1 Title before
recording. Then use the click track feature to provide a reference for recording.