Euphonix Version 3 Supplement to the R-1 Operation Manual
Overview of Version 3
Edit Configuration
Figure 1-1
Router App: Edit Configuration Dialog
Click on the
Edit Configuration
tab to begin building a configuration. Under the head-
All other MADI Device,
make sure all system components are listed and that the
Studio Hub is listed with the correct size. Highlight and delete unnecessary compo-
nents. Add a new component by pressing the
button and selecting R-1 and MADI
devices from the dialog box that appears.
Next, define how the MADI ports of each device are connected to each other. This rep-
licates your MADI connections on the rear of the R-1. For example:
Studio Hub Inputs
, select MADI In #1.
All Other MADI Devices,
select MADI Out #1 of the Analog to MADI
(AM 713)#1.
Define Studio Hub Connection
to confirm the selections.
When selecting from the
All Other MADI Devices
, you will need to expand the list of
components to see types of connections available. For instance if you click on the + next
to Audio Deck you will see its Inputs and Outputs. Expand the Outputs to see the two
different outputs available.