v3F e-signed, 15 April 2016
Ayecka SR1 DVB Receiver EUMETCast Setup Guide
Page 16 of 36
1. Lower threshold 0.6 dB
2. Upper threshold 0.7 dB
Verify Lock and quality for DVB-S2 Ku Band
Return to the main menu and
verify the RX channel has Locked
as shown below:
SR1c Serial No. 111700 30AAC Run Time: 0:12:54
Software Version 1.05b255 Hardware Version 2.00 Firmware Version 2.02b922
RX1: Active, Locked
EUMETCast DVB-S2 1512.500 MHz, Dummy PLframe, 32.994 Msps, ACM, 10.7 dB
RX2: Active, Not Locked
Profile 1 1100.000 MHz, Auto
To verify the signal quality, from the main menu choose,
2. Status
1. RX Channel 1
RX Status 1, Configuration 2
1. Tuner Status Locked
2. Demodulator Status Locked
3. Transport Status Locked
4. Demodulator Frequency Offset -1184 KHz
5. Demodulator Es/N0 11.1 dB
6. Signal Input Level -39.0 dBm
7. Demodulator BER 0.00 e-7
8. Bad Frame Count 23
9. Bad Packet Count 4
A. Demodulator Link Margin 5.3 dB (or 2.3 dB for 16PSK *)
B. Modulation Order and Code Rate DVB-S2 8PSK 3/5 (or DVB-S2 16PSK *)
C. Link Adaptation ACM
D. Pilots on
E. Frame Type Normal
F. Roll Off 20%
G. FPGA Loaded
Note * : The link margin (A) and MODCOD (B) alternate between the different modes present on the stream
To verify the reception quality per PID, from the main menu select,
5. Statistics
1. Show RX1 Transport
RX1 Transport Statistics
No. MPEG MPE MAC Mismatch MPE CRC Errors
1. 152385 26512 0 0
2. 714464 104377 0 0
3. 96155 15066 0 0
4. 181683 27564 0 0
5. 1170819 171078 0 0
6. 4821020 699353 0 0
7. 1580 1580 0 0