2126330-10-03/21 (translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions Safety Systems
MGB-L..B-EI-… (Ethernet/IP) and With Data Structure Type A
2. Correct use
The following applies to MGB-L0:
The system comprises at least one interlocking module MGB-L0-... and one handle module MGB-H...
The safety system MGB is an interlocking device without guard locking (type 4). Devices with unicode evaluation possess a
high coding level, devices with multicode evaluation possess a low coding level.
In combination with a movable guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents dangerous machine functions
from occurring while the guard is open. A stop command is triggered if the guard is opened during the dangerous machine
This means:
Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the guard is closed.
Opening the guard triggers a stop command.
Closing a guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate start command must
be issued. For exceptions, refer to EN ISO 12100 or relevant C-standards.
The following applies to MGB-L1/MBG-L2:
The system comprises at least one locking module MGB-L1-…/MGB-L2-… and one handle module MGB-H…
The safety system MGB is an interlocking device with guard locking (type 4). Devices with unicode evaluation possess a
high coding level, devices with multicode evaluation possess a low coding level.
In combination with a movable guard and the machine control, this safety component prevents the guard from being opened
while a dangerous machine function is being performed.
This means:
Starting commands that cause a dangerous machine function must become active only when the guard is closed and
The guard locking must not be released until the dangerous machine function has ended.
Closing and locking a guard must not cause automatic starting of a dangerous machine function. A separate start com-
mand must be issued. For exceptions, refer to EN ISO 12100 or relevant C-standards.
The following applies to MGB-L0/MGB-L1/MGB-L2:
The interlocking module MGB-L0B-EI.-… and the locking module MGB-L1B-EI.-…/MGB-L2B-EI.-… are operated as IO devices
under Ethernet/IP.
Before the device is used, a risk assessment must be performed on the machine, e.g. in accordance with the following
EN ISO 13849-1
EN ISO 12100
IEC 62061
Correct use includes observing the relevant requirements for installation and operation, particularly based on the following
EN ISO 13849 1
EN ISO 14119
EN 60204-1