background image


Touch Panel

Function Description


Panel Description

Technical Parameters

Product Feature


User’s manual:  2019-9



Input Voltage


Dimming Type

Input Power

Area number

Working Temperature


Packing Size






Transmission Distance


RF Function










·Compliance with DMX512 (1990) International Standard Agreement

·Supporting independent or synchronous brightness control for four regions

·Support real-time adjustment of brightness and color temperature

·High sensitivity glass touch button and adjusting ring, more fine control

·Using glass material, fashionable and beautiful appearance

·Compatible with any DMX lamp or DMX driver

·It can be installed in the wall body, suitable for all kinds of wall boxes.

·The saved scene saves the new scene again, and the original saved scene will be overwritten.

·Support RF function, dimming, calling scene, etc.

In the closed state, click on the "switch button" to open the DMX panel. The lamp 

controlled by the panel lights up according to the last closed state. When you click on the 

"switch button" in the open state, you can close the panel. All the lights under control are 

turned off. The switch indicator light is slightly lit. It can be used to indicate the switch 

position in darkness.

This panel supports 4 DMX zones, 1 channel for each zone, that is, zone 1 is channel 1, zone 

2 is channel 2, zone 3 is channel 3, zone 4 is channel 4. Each area has a corresponding 

indicator light.

Click the zone1/2/3/4 area button to select the corresponding area respectively. The 

luminaire in the area will light up according to the last turn off brightness. At the same 

time, the corresponding area selection indicator will light up, indicating that the luminaire 

in the area can be dimmed. The luminance of lamps in this area can be adjusted and 

controlled by touching the luminance adjustment ring in the middle, while the luminance 

of lamps in other areas remains unchanged. Click to select another area button to switch 

areas. At this time the effect of lamps and lanterns of other area does not change. Only 

the selected area has a light indicating that the area can be edited.

When a certain area is selected, click the area icon again to turn off the light in the area 

and turn off the area light. Long press the button of a certain area for 2 seconds, then 4 

areas are selected at the same time, and 4 areas indicator lights are on at the same time. 

At this time, synchronous operation can be carried out on 4 areas at the same time.

After a region or all regions are selected.

Click the Scene1/2/3/4 button to invoke each of the four scenarios saved by the user. Only 

one scenario can be invoked at a time. In scene call mode, brightness cannot be adjusted.

After dimming lamps in one or more areas, long press the scene button for 3 seconds and 

hear the "di-di-di" sound, indicating that the lighting effect in the current area has been 

successfully saved into the scene.

Each area can hold 4 user-defined scenarios. The new scene effect can be saved again on 

the scene button of a scene that has been saved (note: the previously saved scene will be 


When you need to edit luminance, you can use this panel's powerful real-time editing 


Note: only when the corresponding area is selected can the lighting effect be edited, and 

only the brightness can be adjusted in the scene mode. Operation "guide for the selection 

of areas.

Night light mode

All Selection

On-Off Switch

Brightness Plus


Touch Ring 

Brightness Reduction



Area Dimming

Scene Setting

Lighting Effect Editing

Summary of Contents for DMX-E01L

Page 1: ...he corresponding area selection indicator will light up indicating that the luminaire in the area can be dimmed The luminance of lamps in this area can be adjusted and controlled by touching the luminance adjustment ring in the middle while the luminance of lamps in other areas remains unchanged Click to select another area button to switch areas At this time the effect of lamps and lanterns of ot...

Page 2: ...just the lighting brightness of the selected area by sliding the color ring with his finger not available in scene mode Scene key calls the four scenes saved in the panel and groups Zone1 2 3 and 4 corresponding to the four areas on the panel no long press function Whether The Panel Corresponds To The Remote Control Is Shown In The Right Picture Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Scene 1 Scene 2 Scen...

Page 3: ...res used must be sufficient to load the connected lamps and ensure the wiring is firm 7 In case of failure please do not repair without permission If you have any questions please contact the supplier 1 Purchase ochase LED controller for technical support and warranty Free warranty Ochase will provide repair or replacement service if any product quality problem occurs within 5 years from the date ...

Page 4: ...涸㖞兞䭽 ⱄ妃 㶸倝涸㖞兞佪卓 岤䠑 勻 㶸涸㖞兞㼜鄄銻渷 կ DMX E01L 腊䲽鶣 㽯㼄 mm 匣䲽鶣 䪮助 侨 ㅷ暵挿 㘗 DMX E01L 鳕Ⰶ歏 5VDC 靈 倰䒭 鳕Ⰶ 桧 㚖侨 䊨 庛䏞 鸑麤侨 鄳㽯㼄 ⲙꅾ DMX512 3 3 5W 4 200g 鳕騄猌 300碛 Ⱘ 錠䞔ⲃ罜㹁 RF 腊 佅䭯 0 50 4 171x145x48 mm ㅷ㽯㼄 146x106x11 mm 痗ざDMX512 1990 㕂 叻ⲥ 雳 佅䭯4 㚖杝用䧴ず姿涸 䏞䱽ⵖ 佅䭯 䏞涸㹊傞靈蒜 넞抳併䏞梯槴鍘 䭽ꝶ 靈蒜梠 刿礵絈䱽ⵖ ꅷ欽梯槴勞餘 㢪錜傞㼿繠錜 Ⱟ㺂 DMX抧Ⱘ䧴DMX끮 㐼 〳㸝鄳㖈㟖 鷓ざぐ碫㟖渱կ 䊺絑 㶸鵂涸㖞兞ⱄ妃 㶸倝涸㖞兞 勻 㶸涸㖞兞㼜鄄銻渷 佅䭯RF 腊 靈 ծ 靈欽㖞兞瘝 㖈Ⱒ 朐䙖 挿ⴁ 䒓Ⱒ䭽 䒓 DMX 匣 匣䱽ⵖ涸抧Ⱘ䭽撑 妃Ⱒ 涸 朐䙖 饰կ 䒓 朐䙖...

Page 5: ...鷥 㚖涸 䏞㟞 靈蒜 瀊䭽 ꝶ鵳遤䨾鷥 㚖涸 䏞涸Ⲹ㼱 靈蒜կ 蒀梠 欽䨪鷥 湱䎾 㚖た 欽䩛䭷徾 蒀梠〳靈蒜鷥㹁 㚖涸抧Ⱘ 䏞 㖈㖞兞垷 䒭 〳欽 կ 㖞兞䭽ꝶ靈欽 匣 㶸涸4 㖞兞 ⴔ絆Zone1ծ2ծ3ծ4ⴔⵆ㼆䎾 匣 涸4 㚖կ 偽 䭽 腊 կ 鸑鵂䭉瀦䒓Ⱒ1鵳遤霃縨կ 䔲䭉瀦䒓Ⱒ㖈 ON 畮傞 剣䭽ꝶ갉 ⴭ尵剣䭽ꝶ 갉կ 䭽ꝶ갉霃縨 鸑鵂䭉瀦䒓Ⱒ2鵳遤霃縨կ 䔲䭉瀦䒓Ⱒ㖈 ON 畮傞 䭷爙抧 ⴭ 1 㼆瀦 鷥㹁 銳㼆瀦涸䱹佐㐼 ⴗ倗歏彂10猲ꛦたꅾ倝䱹鸑歏彂 㖈䱹鸑歏彂 涸5猲ꛦⰻ挿ⴁ 絆䒓1 ꝶ3妃 瘝5猲た 欽歏彂䒓Ⱒꝶ崵霚僽や〳 䱽ⵖ 㥵卓 〳 䱽ⵖ 烁雩㼆瀦䧭 կ 2 幡瀦 鷥㹁 銳幡瀦涸䱹佐㐼 ⴗ倗歏彂10猲ꛦたꅾ倝䱹鸑歏彂 㖈䱹鸑歏彂 涸5猲ꛦⰻ挿ⴁ 絆䒓1 ꝶ6妃 〳 溏ⵌ 匣涸Zone1䭽ꝶⱄ 倗涸ⴗ䰃 欽歏彂 䒓Ⱒꝶ崵霚僽や〳 䱽ⵖ 㥵卓 〳 䱽ⵖ 烁雩幡瀦䧭 ...

Page 6: ... ꢂ偽 瀊騟梡韌 歏 僽や痗ざ ㅷ歏 倰 銳宠կ 5 葻㥩涸侔掚勵 䒁 䱽ⵖ㐼涸 欽㼑ㄐ 霼䪾 ㅷ㸝鄳㖈鸑굥葻㥩涸梠㞯 6 欽涸歏絁㣐㼭䗳곢腊駈㢿餏鲿鵶䱹涸抧Ⱘ 䎇烁 䱹絁暖㔿կ 7㥵卓 欰佦ꥻ 霼 猙荈絶 㥵卓剣毟 霼翫禹 䎾 կ 1 餝 妍ⴗ倛LED䱽ⵖ㐼 䪮助佅䭯ㄤ 剪 կ 餩 荈餝 傈饰5䎃ⰻⴀ梡 ㅷ餘ꆀ 곿妍ⴗ倛絛 絶 䧴刿䰃剪 剣 ꤗ 馄鵂 餩 劍涸 ㅷ佐 鷓䔲涸絶 勞俱䧭劥餩欽 2 䞔ⲃ 㖈 餩 䧴刿䰃剪 薴㔵 ⰻկ 鵂넞 馄餏鲿 乼 䔲瘝 鸣䧭涸䰀㗁 ㅷ㢪䕎 ꅾ䰀㗁䧴 䕎 ㅷ 叻皊ㄤ ㅷ 勵䕎瀦䰀㗁 ㅷ䊺絑刿倝䰃 3 椚䧴刿䰃僽妍ⴗ倛㼆㹐䨪涸 邉佹䲃倶 妍ⴗ倛 䪬䬐 䌄䒸饰涸 䰀㹲饄 餓 կ 4 剣妍ⴗ倛 剣 姻䧴靈侮劥 勵妴涸勉ⵄ 䎇 䕎䒭 䋒雩㹁 ⲥ 岤䠑 고 雳 2 欽轠ꛐ㼜䏀渷㔿㹁㖈歏孞渱 烁 㸝鄳暖㔿կ 3 鵶絁 DMX 鵶䱹DMX畮〡 絁 Power 烁 姻餏匧...
